
What's in a hug? How to think about risk as coronavirus restrictions lift - ABC News

"Are we hugging yet?"

My heart sinks.

"We're not supposed to," I tell my friend, frowning and waving instead.

In the context of a global pandemic, it might seem like a small sacrifice. But in other ways it feels like one of the hardest changes of all.

After two months of almost no physical contact and socialising on screens, not embracing loved ones when we see them is a difficult adjustment.

"It's hard to establish new habits, particularly ones that are so fundamental to what we've grown up with," said Julie Leask, a social scientist at the University of Sydney.

In Australia, the risk of contracting COVID-19 in the community remains low.

But the easing of restrictions doesn't indicate a return to normal socialising, according to epidemiologist Hassan Vally.

"The relaxing of restrictions is based on the social contract that people individually will do the right thing — continue to socially distance, and pay attention to hand hygiene," said Dr Vally, an associate professor at La Trobe University.

But with a vaccine still at least a year away, how long will this last?

Restrictions lift, but we need to stay 1.5 metres apart

Under the Federal Government's three-step plan to relax coronavirus restrictions, it's up to each state and territory to wind back measures in their own time.

While the whole country is expected to reach stage three (the most relaxed stage) by July, the guidance on regular hand washing and physical distancing — keeping 1.5 metres from others — will remain in place.

"They're the principles that underlie everything that we're doing, which is to ensure people reduce the likelihood that they're exposed to the virus," Dr Vally said.

People experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing or a sore throat are being urged to get tested. Anyone feeling unwell is advised to avoid contact with others.

But with low levels of virus circulating in the community, Dr Vally said the major risk ahead was that people become complacent.

"[We have] to make sure that people understand that this isn't over, and it won't take long for us to be in the same position we were in eight weeks ago if we relax too much."

That means when you have friends over or meet up in public, you still need to stay 1.5 metres apart. No hugs. No snuggling next to each other on the couch. No hand touching.

When it comes to people you live with, the same rules don't apply — but good hand hygiene is still advised.

How long you spend with others, and where

Research suggests SARS-CoV-2 is mainly spread through respiratory droplets: the little secretions we generate when we sneeze, cough, sing and even talk.

"This is predominantly a disease of close contact between people," said Allen Cheng, an infectious disease physician and epidemiologist at Monash University.

While our understanding of the virus is still evolving, recognising the different levels of risk associated with different activities can help us work out what behaviours are more safe or less safe.

Enclosed and crowded spaces pose the highest risk, Professor Cheng said, as does prolonged and close contact with other people.

"The risk is increased in smaller areas, particularly smaller areas that don't have good ventilation," he said.

"The closer you are to someone, particularly if you're talking to them, your respiratory secretions might get over to theirs."

The majority of COVID-19 outbreaks have occurred in indoor settings where people are close together, such as nursing homes, workplaces and restaurants.

Being outside reduces the risk of transmission because viral particles are likely to get dispersed and diluted more quickly.

As restrictions continue to lift, Professor Cheng said moving activities outside, opening windows, and finding bigger spaces to socialise in can all help to reduce the risk.

So maybe it's better to get your weekend breakfast to go and catch up with friends in the park instead of the cafe, especially if it's a busy indoor space.

Different risk perceptions could create conflict

While Australians are mostly very compliant when it comes to public health measures, Professor Leask said people would inevitably develop different opinions about the threat of COVID-19, and the necessity of different restrictions.

"So that will create conflict. And it already has."

It's understandable for people to be a little confused about distancing measures, Professor Leask said, as government advice is frequently being updated.

"Because of the dynamic nature of these public health orders, and because there's kind of big laundry lists of what we can and can't do, it can be quite hard to remember all that," she said.

If you're ever unsure about whether to do something, she said it's best to be guided by the latest public health advice, plus your knowledge of the virus, then "weigh up what's really important to you".

And while making that judgment, Professor Leask said we must remember that none of us are just making decisions for ourselves — but for the health and safety of others too.

"Even if you're at low risk, you may catch it and spread to others who are not."

While a bit of social nudging (to do the right thing) can help, Professor Leask said shaming people for their actions doesn't reduce risky behaviour.

"A society that shames people into behaving in the way that will help prevent coronavirus is not the kind of society that most of us want to live in," she said.

"It has very serious knock-on effects as well. Once you stigmatise an infectious disease, that stigmatisation becomes a barrier to people coming forward for testing, for example. The implication is: you caught this because of your misbehaviour, and that's actually not the case."

Are hugs really off limits?

For the time being — as hard as it is — experts say it's best to avoid physical greetings like handshakes, hugs and kisses.

But Dr Vally said we shouldn't worry too much about COVID-19 fundamentally changing the way humans interact.

"I don't think anyone is saying that we will stop hugging people in the future," he said.

"If anything, I think this crisis will make people realise how important both social connectedness and physical interaction with people is to our health, because we've been deprived of it."

While most of us are pinning our hopes on a vaccine to alleviate any need for social distancing, Dr Vally said effective drug treatments could also be a "game changer".

"There is a lot that can happen in the next little while to change what we need to do to prevent viral transmission and to keep the population safe," he said.

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2020-05-28 01:06:54Z

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