
Family self-isolate from coronavirus pandemic in outback Queensland 'oasis' - ABC News

Keiran Lusk feels strangely liberated by living in coronavirus enforced isolation in outback Queensland.

He mows the law in his undies if he feels like it, plays loud music and lifts rocks to keep fit — and couldn't care less what people think about him.

He and his young family have paused an epic road trip in a renovated bus to sit out the pandemic as caretakers of a remote property, almost 750 kilometres west of Brisbane.

"Living in isolation has provided me with a unique opportunity to be myself," he said.

"I am happier and more at peace with myself than I've been in years."

With no confirmed coronavirus cases in the region, no neighbours and no visitors, they are far from the stress and anxiety of illness, lockdowns and movement restrictions.

"It does feel very surreal out here, we're not affected in anyway, I almost feel a little bit guilty," he said.

Two children watch a sunset by a dam near their temporary home at the Lass O'Gowrie homestead near Charleville.
The family paused their road trip to sit out the coronavirus pandemic as caretakers of the remote property.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

Five years as lighthouse keeper

Mr Lusk is no stranger to isolation.

He spent five years living on Moreton Island off the coast of Brisbane, working as a park ranger on the third biggest sand island in the world.

"It's like the lighthouse — it's the same sort of remoteness out here," he said.

"We actually feel like we're living a similar sort of life that we lived on the island."

'Our plans changed'

Mr Lusk spent two years converting an old bus into a mobile home and late last year he and his wife Sam sold up and the family hit the road.

"We've been on the road in Bronte the bus for over six months now," he said.

"In recent months, we've been slowly plodding around western Queensland and free camping by outback rivers and little country towns, but our plans changed somewhat with the emergence of COVID-19, travel restrictions and nationwide lockdowns.

"With no home to return to and camping areas, parks and reserves closing, we were fortunate to find somewhere nearby to stop for a while."

Inside the refurbished bus that is home for the Lusk family of four.
Inside the refurbished bus that Keiran Lusk spent two years converting into a mobile home.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

'Like an oasis'

They are now caretaking a remote homestead west of Charleville, called Lass O'Gowrie.

"We're maintaining the beautiful gardens — it had a prize-winning garden, beautiful lush lawns, it's like an oasis," Mr Lusk said.

"We're growing veggies, we've got lots of space and room to move.

"The house hasn't got any furniture, but we don't care.

"We're living in the bus at the front door and the boys have got a dedicated Lego room, dedicated Monopoly and games rooms in the house — it's great.

A drone view of Lass O'Gowrie homestead near Charleville in outback Queensland.
The Lass O'Gowrie homestead is almost 750 kilometres west of Brisbane.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

Mr Lusk is conscious that things could have been very different for his family if they had still been in Brisbane during the coronavirus pandemic.

"I speak to friends and family in Brisbane, and I guess they're seeing the first hand results of the employment crisis and people that are out of work and shops that are closed — we don't see any of those impacts out here," he said.

He said their days had taken on a particular rhythm.

Two children run towards the Lass O'Gowrie homestead on the property near Charleville in outback Queensland.
The house has no furniture, but the boys have set up rooms for their games and toys.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

Mr Lusk is home-schooling his two boys while his wife works remotely as a public servant.

"We're old hands at home-schooling — I wouldn't say that makes us good though," he said, laughing.

"It's a lot of work, but having the kids around 24/7 it's wonderful quality time and it's really beautiful to be able to watch the boys develop and spend time with them every day."

Ellery and Aubrey sits at a table with stationery and headphones doing home-schooling in their bus home.
Ellery and Aubrey do home-schooling in their modified bus home.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

'Something magic'

While reluctant to offer advice on how to deal with life in isolation, Mr Lusk said he had some strategies that had been working for him during these strange times.

  • Be kind to yourself

    "As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression over the years, the current opportunity to live in almost complete isolation has been strangely beneficial for me," he said.

    "I'm learning to be kind to myself. It is OK to have good days and it's OK to have not-so-good days."

A man stands under a tree in silhouette during a sunset at the Lass O'Gowrie homestead near Charleville in outback Queensland.
The former lighthouse keeper knows about isolation after five years living on Moreton Island.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)
A child looks at a handheld whiteboard with a laptop on a table doing home-schooling in outback Queensland.
Doing home-schooling in the modified bus in outback Queensland.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)
  • Enjoy being yourself

    "Living in isolation has provided me with a unique opportunity to be myself, without the fear of others judging me, which is something I've struggled with all my life," he said.

    "If I want to water the veggie garden or mow the lawn in my undies, then I do it, although this strategy may not work so well for city folk.

    "Just find time to do the things that make you happy."

A drone photo of the four-wheel-drive vehicle driving along a remote red dirt road in bushland in outback Queensland.
The Lusk family driving along a remote road near Charleville.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)
  • Exercise

    "I've set myself a goal to come out of this isolation period feeling much more fit and healthy," he said.

    "Some mornings I get up early and take a solo ride on my bike around the property.

    "I'm also exercising with rocks each day — I call it 'rocksercising' … and have a pair of rocks outside the front door and whenever I leave the bus to go anywhere, I do some weights with my rocks as I walk."

Two children stand beside a cracked earth and a dam at sunset Lass O'Gowrie homestead near Charleville in Queensland.
Ellery and Aubrey Lusk explore a dam at Lass O'Gowrie.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

'Incredibly lucky'

Mr Lusk said the family would get back on the road in the coming months.

"I think we're keen to continue our travels when it is safe and when we're welcome to do so," he said.

"This is just a staging ground where we can ride out the crisis and, when travel restrictions are lifted and towns are ready to welcome visitors back, we'll hit the road again."

He said he knew his family were "incredibly lucky and fortunate to be where we are during this time".

Keiran Lusk, his wife Sam and two sons enjoy a campfire after a day on the road in outback Queensland.
The Lusk family enjoy a campfire after a day on the road.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

"We do appreciate how privileged we are to be in this situation too — it's not something that we're gloating about or feeling boastful," he said.

A modified white bus, towing a four-wheel-drive vehicle behind it, parked at a property near Charleville in outback Queensland.
Mr Lusk said the family would get back on the road in the coming months.(Supplied: Keiran Lusk)

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2020-05-23 23:37:31Z

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