
Coronavirus: WHO-led hydroxychloroquine trials halted, warning of second peak of infections, UK reopens retail sector - 9News

Tests of hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 patients have been halted following a recent report that the anti-malarial drug could increase the mortality in coronavirus patients, the World Health Organisation says.

The tests were part of the WHO-led international Solidarity Trial, which aims to find out if existing medications that were developed against malaria, HIV, Ebola and multiple sclerosis could help to treat the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.

Last week, US and Swiss scientists reported in The Lancet journal that hydroxychloroquine and the similar drug chloroquine could lead to higher death rates and heart palpitations.

The medications have not been shown to be effective against COVID-19, they wrote.

Hydroxychloroquine is a common preventative medication for malaria, though it has significant side effects.
Hydroxychloroquine is a common preventative medication for malaria, though it has significant side effects. (AP)

A decision has been taken to implement "a temporary pause of the hydroxychloroquine arm within the Solidarity Trial while the safety data is reviewed," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a press briefing from Geneva.

So far, 3500 patients from 17 countries have been enrolled in tests that are being carried out under the umbrella of the Solidarity Trial.

Meanwhile, the WHO is warning of a second peak – not necessarily a second wave – of coronavirus cases.

During a media briefing on Monday, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Programme, said right now, we are "right in the middle of the first wave, globally."

"We're still very much in a phase where the disease is actually on the way up," he added.

"We need to be also cognizant of the fact that the disease can jump up at any time. We cannot make assumptions that just because the disease is on the way down now that it's going to keep going down, and the way to get a number of months to get ready for a second wave – we may get a second peak in this way," Ryan said.


Britain will reopen thousands of high street shops, department stores and shopping centres next month, Prime Minister Boris Johnson says, setting out a timetable for businesses as part of moves to ease the coronavirus lockdown.

The UK government has announced a reopening of the retail sector. (AP)

He told a news conference that from June 1, outdoor markets and car showrooms could be reopened as soon as they are able to meet the COVID-19 secure guidelines, and all other non-essential retail from June 15 if the government's tests are met.

"Today, I want to give the retail sector notice of our intentions to reopen shops, so they too can get ready," Johnson said. "There are careful but deliberate steps on the road to rebuilding our country."

The United Kingdom's death toll from confirmed coronavirus cases has risen to 36,914, up 121 from a day earlier, official figures showed on Monday.

Meanwhile, Johnson's closest adviser Dominic Cummings says he has not offered his resignation over the furore about his decision to drive 400km from London to northern England during Britain's COVID-19 lockdown.

"No, I have not offered to resign. No, I have not considered it," Cummings said on Monday in response to questions as he defended his decision to leave London during the lockdown.

Cummings said that he didn't regret his decision to drive to northern England, saying he had not flouted lockdown rules by staying on his family's farm.


Americans marked a Memorial Day like no other Monday as the coronavirus pandemic upended traditional commemorations and forced communities to honor the nation's military dead with smaller, more subdued ceremonies like car convoys and online tributes instead of parades.

On the weekend that marks the unofficial start of summer, U.S. authorities warned beach-goers to heed social-distancing rules to avoid a resurgence of the disease that has infected 5.4 million people worldwide and killed over 345,000, including nearly 100,000 Americans, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

US veterans wore masks for low key Memorial Day events around the country. (AP)

New Yorkers marked Memorial Day with car convoys and small ceremonies instead of big parades as the coronavirus reshaped the solemn holiday, blending tributes to virus victims and frontline workers with the traditional remembrance of the nation's war dead.

In a year that marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, veterans wore masks and saluted while standing at social-distancing intervals at observances shrunk by virus precautions.

Spain has urged foreign tourists to return from July as one of Europe's strictest lockdowns eases, with streets gradually filling again and some pupils returning to school.

The world's second-most visited nation closed its doors and beaches in March to handle the COVID-19 pandemic, but has seen out the worst and plans to lift a 14-day quarantine requirement on overseas arrivals within weeks.

Cafes have reopened in central Madrid as Spain plans to relaunch its tourism industry. (AP)

"It is perfectly coherent to plan summer vacations to come to Spain in July," Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto told radio station Onda Cero as Spain geared up to salvage a tourism industry that normally draws 80 million people a year.

The hard-hit capital Madrid was coming back to life on Monday, with people allowed back into its main Retiro park and a few bars and restaurant terraces reopening.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has lifted a coronavirus state of emergency in Tokyo and four other remaining areas, ending the restrictions nationwide.

Experts on a government-commissioned panel approved the lifting of the emergency in Tokyo, neighboring Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama prefectures, and in Hokkaido to the north, which had remained under the emergency declaration after it was removed in most of Japan earlier this month.

Japan, with about 16,600 confirmed cases and about 850 deaths, has so far avoided the large outbreaks that have been experienced in the US and the Europe despite its softer restrictions.

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2020-05-25 20:21:12Z

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