
Trump to terminate US relationship with World Health Organisation over coronavirus - The Age

Washington: US President Donald Trump says he is terminating the US relationship with the World Health Organisation over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying the WHO had essentially become a puppet organisation of China.

Appearing in the White House Rose Garden, Trump went ahead with repeated threats to eliminate American funding for the group, which amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Donald Trump claims China "has total control over the World Health Organisation".

Donald Trump claims China "has total control over the World Health Organisation".Credit:AP

Trump said the WHO had failed to make reforms to the organisation that the President had demanded earlier this month. He said Chinese officials "ignored their reporting obligations" about the virus to the WHO and pressured the WHO to "mislead the world" when the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities.

"China has total control over the World Health Organisation despite only paying $US40 million [$60 million] per year compared to what the United States has been paying which is approximately $US450 million a year. We have detailed the reforms that it must make and engaged with them directly but they have refused to act," said Trump.

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2020-05-29 19:49:58Z

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