
Blackwater coronavirus death sees nurse's union accuse Queensland Government of witch-hunt - ABC News

A Rockhampton nurse — who is being investigated by Queensland Health as a possible link to the case of a Blackwater man who died this week — had recently returned from overseas but did not tell contact tracers about the trip because she "wasn't asked", her union says.

Her union, who is representing the nurse, has today explained that she went to Blackwater earlier than originally reported, information that has exasperated health officials, who say her story "has changed so many times".

The woman sparked a health emergency at an aged care home a fortnight ago after she continued to work there while displaying symptoms of COVID-19.

Queensland Health initially believed she may have contracted the virus on a flight from Brisbane and have been working to determine the source of her infection.

When Nathan Turner, 30, tested positive to COVID-19 after being found dead in his Blackwater home on Tuesday afternoon, Queensland Health revealed the nurse had travelled to the town weeks earlier and was examining if the two cases were linked.

Nathan Turner smiles with a hat on.
Health authorities are yet to determine how Nathan Turner, 30, contracted coronavirus before his death.(Facebook)

Mr Turner was the youngest victim of coronavirus in Australia.

Nurses Professional Association of Queensland assistant state secretary Jack McGuire today revealed previously unknown details of the nurses movements and has called the Queensland Government's investigation into her a "political witch-hunt".

Queensland Health said the nurse told them she visited the central Queensland town in the second week of May, nearly two weeks after Mr Turner showed symptoms, however Mr McGuire said today she had in fact been to the town on April 11.

He said the nurse had never told Queensland Health she was in Blackwater in May and her story has never changed.

Mr McGuire said the nurse was now receiving death threats.

He said she had travelled to Kuala Lumpur during March and when she returned she went into isolation.

When her isolation finished on April 10, the next day she drove about 200 kilometres to a lookout near Blackwater and then into the town itself as there was a job posting in the town she was interested in, Mr McGuire said.

"Our member hasn't tested positive until the 14th of May, that's over a month after she went to Blackwater," he said.

"That timeline does not put her anywhere near being in Blackwater to be able to even remotely give that to somebody in that town."

He said she did not originally disclose her trip overseas because it was "irrelevant" to the Blackwater case, as she was not symptomatic when she visited the town.

"Because the overseas trip occurred six weeks prior to her testing and makes it an impossibility that she was sick as a result of her trip," he said.

According to Queensland Health, the nurse's symptoms began on May 3.

Mr McGuire said the union would consider commencing legal action for defamation and slander next week.

He said the investigation into the nurse, who only joined the union a week before her positive test, would deter others from giving information to contact tracers.

"It's a disgusting political witch-hunt," he said.

North Rockhampton Nursing Centre.
North Rockhampton Nursing Centre.(Supplied: Google Maps)

"The Premier is obviously using this Rockhampton nurse as justification for her border closures.

"If they had have even done just a jot of due diligence they would have known it was impossible given the sequence of events.

"Given that our member has been defamed, the Queensland political elite, should be apologising."

Story changed 'so many times'

Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young said the woman's "story has changed so many times".

"She gave us one story and then subsequent to that we found out additional information," she said.

"We need to try and untangle and sort that through."

Blackwater locals line up in cars at a fever clinic for COVID-19 testing.
Blackwater locals line up at a fever clinic for COVID-19 testing after the death of a local man on Wednesday.(ABC News: Rachel McGhee)

Deputy Premier Steven Miles said he was not commenting on a specific case but it was important people were "honest, truthful and fulsome" when contacted by public health officials.

"Lives are literally at risk," he said.

"It appears to me incredibly unlikely that somebody wasn't asked whether they had travelled overseas when that is such a focus of our investigation efforts of all coronavirus cases."

The Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union (QNMU) has called for calm and respect while the investigations into the Central Queensland cases are carried out.

"We ask that while these two important investigations are underway, into the positive test returned in Rockhampton and the coronial investigation into Mr Turner's death, that all Queenslanders, both individuals and organisations, refrain from making any further comments that could jeopardise the outcome of these two vitally important investigations," secretary Beth Mohle said.

"Making public comment, including unsubstantiated claims, at this time is in no way helpful and could potentially be extremely harmful and hurtful.''

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2020-05-29 03:16:23Z

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