
Latest snapshot of the coronavirus impact - Yass Tribune


* Australia is set to reach the 80 per cent double-vaccination threshold in a matter of days.

* The population-wide coronavirus vaccine booster shot program could start in less than two weeks after the medicines regulator gave the green light.

* Fully vaccinated Australians will no longer need to apply for an exemption to leave the country, ahead of international border restrictions easing.

* People will be able to buy rapid antigen tests along with their groceries when they become available on supermarket shelves next week.

* Victoria's daily COVID-19 case numbers have reached a "plateau", health authorities say, two days before a further easing of restrictions.

* The ACT has reached the milestone of 90 per cent of its eligible population being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

* The Queensland government is urging Indigenous communities to get vaccinated with low coverage putting them at risk ahead of the state reopening its borders.

* A leading epidemiologist has cautioned against fast-tracking plans for unlimited travel throughout NSW, saying it would be preferable to delay the move for a month.

* NSW Police issued more than 36,000 breaches of COVID-19 public health orders in July and August, when the toughest lockdown rules were in place.


* There have been 34,828,566 doses administered in the national COVID-19 vaccination rollout up to Monday, including 227,994 in the previous 24 hours.

* Of the total, 20,385,665 have been administered by the Commonwealth (an increase of 159,237 in the previous 24 hours).

* 19,340,191 have been issued in primary care (+157,670) and 1,045,474 in aged and disability facilities (+1567).

* 14,442,901 have been administered by the states and territories, including 68,757 in the previous 24 hours.


* Australia reported 1848 local cases on Wednesday: 1534 in Victoria, 304 in NSW, and 10 in the ACT.

* There was one overseas-acquired infection in NSW and one in Queensland.

* The national death toll is 1666: Victoria 1065 (+13), NSW 562 (+3), Tasmania 13, ACT 8, WA 9, Queensland 7 and SA 4. Two Queensland residents who died in NSW have been included in the official tolls of both states.


* Cases: at least 244,493,441

* Deaths: at least 4,963,243

* Vaccine doses administered: at least 6,852,950,580

Data current as at 1700 AEDT on October 27, taking in federal and state/territory government updates and Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre figures.

Australian Associated Press

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2021-10-27 05:59:11Z

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