
Latest snapshot of the coronavirus impact - Narromine News


* Australia's vaccine advisory group will soon release its advice on booster shots, says John Frewen, the head of Australia's vaccine rollout. Boosters could be available as early as six months after a second vaccine dose.

* A Gold Coast man who tested positive for COVID-19 but reportedly does not believe he has the virus was involved in a "minor disturbance" at the Gold Coast University Hospital on Sunday, police say.

* The Queensland government says it has no immediate plans for further vaccine mandates, such as for teachers. More than three in four eligible Queenslanders are already at least partially immunised.

* Victoria recorded 1461 new locally acquired COVID-19 cases and seven deaths on Monday, including a woman in her 20s.

* The state will expand its Indigenous vaccination programs with pop-up sites and dedicated vans in Melbourne and parts of regional Victoria, as rates lag behind the general population.

* NSW recorded 294 new locally acquired cases of the virus and four deaths, topping 500 COVID-19 deaths from the latest outbreak which began in mid-June.

* NSW school students in years two to 11 returned to school on Monday, while 16 schools were closed on Monday following positive tests in their communities.

* Year 12 students in NSW beginning final exams in two weeks will be offered special consideration because of the disruption to their academic year.

* The ACT recorded nine new infections, its second straight day of single-digit COVID cases.

* The NT will allow fully vaccinated interstate travellers to home quarantine for two weeks from November 23.

* New Zealand recorded its second-worst day of daily infections since the pandemic began - reporting 109 new cases.


* There have been 34,364,950 doses administered in the national COVID-19 vaccination rollout up to Sunday, including 126,471 in the previous 24 hours.

* Of the total, 20,126,824 have been administered by the Commonwealth (an increase of 48,487 in the previous 24 hours).

* 19,023,314 have been issued in primary care (+45,639) and 1,103,510 in aged and disability facilities (+2848).

* 14,238,126 have been administered by the states and territories, including 77,984 in the previous 24 hours.


* Australia reported 1764 local cases on Monday: 1461 in Victoria, 294 in NSW, and nine in the ACT.

* There were zero overseas-acquired infections.

* The national death toll is 1646: Victoria 1048 (+7), NSW 556 (+4), Tasmania 13, ACT 9, WA 9, Queensland 7 and SA 4. Two Queensland residents who died in NSW have been included in the official tolls of both states.


* Cases: at least 243,661,681

* Deaths: at least 4,948,512

* Vaccine doses administered: at least 6,802,294,787

Data current as at 1730 AEDT on October 25, taking in federal and state/territory government updates and Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre figures.

Australian Associated Press

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2021-10-25 06:25:59Z

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