
Coronavirus Australia live news: Updated health alerts for Brisbane, Sydney bus commuters urged to monitor for symptoms - ABC News

Victorian crossbench MP Fiona Patten said of the proposed lengthening of the CHO powers the public want "either no extension or they want something that goes much longer".

"Talking to my crossbench colleagues about what their preferred position is, I haven't heard a single one supporting the 12 months, and so [the Government] will certainly need to renegotiate that, if they're to pass it through the upper house," she said. 

"This is uncharted territory that we're going in to. We've never really dealt with a pandemic like this. And it's very wily and it can be unexpected.

"However, to put into legislation the ability for not just this Government but future governments to instil a state of emergency into this state for 18 months, without going back to the Parliament, without, I don't think, adequate scrutiny and oversight, that is too far.

"And as much as we might trust the Premier and the current Government, this is setting in stone something for not just this one, for future governments.

"I don't think it's too much to ask, to put in for three months or six months, and then come back to the Parliament. But also provide that transparency and oversight so the public knows that we're moving forward, that there is a light or a glimmer of a light at the end of this tunnel."

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2020-08-26 21:58:00Z

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