
Coronavirus: South Australia's economy set for major boost as COVID-19 restrictions ease further - 9News

The one person per four-square-metre rule will be relaxed to allow one person per two-square-metres, doubling the capacity of businesses and there will now be no maximum number of patrons a venue can allow inside.

Indoor contact sport competitions will also be allowed to resume and venues previously considered high-risk for the spread of coronavirus such as food courts and nightclubs will be allowed to reopen.

Meanwhile, casinos and gaming rooms will be allowed to begin trading and businesses' spas and saunas can resume operating.

While South Australia is benefitting from the effort to contain COVID-19 however, concerns remain heightened over Victoria's current outbreak after it recorded another 49 new cases today.

South Australia is expected to reopen its borders to Victoria on July 20, however Premier Steve Marshall has said that could change if the outbreak worsens.

Mr Marshall has asked the transition committee in charge of restrictions to investigate potentially opening the state to some parts of New South Wales and Victoria in a bid to avoid outbreak hotspots.

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2020-06-28 07:03:00Z

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