
Ten hospital staff isolated after Sydney doctor tests positive - 9News

Ten staff across two western Sydney hospitals are in isolation today after a doctor was diagnosed with COVID-19.

It comes as NSW Health confirmed that no more staff members at an aged care home in the Blue Mountains have tested positive amid fears of a new outbreak.

A frontline doctor employed at Nepean Hospital at the base of the Blue Mountains has tested positive to COVID-19.

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said it was reassuring that no patients are believed to have been exposed. (9News)

The medical practitioner had also worked a shift at the Sydney Adventist Hospital in Wahroonga on Sydney's north shore shortly before developing symptoms.

Health minister Brad Hazzard reassured the community that no patients are believed to be at risk, as the doctor was working in a non-clinical role for the two days prior to symptoms developing.

Two staff members at the Nepean Hospital and eight at the Sydney Adventist Hospital are now in 14-day isolation after being exposed.

The doctor worked at the Nepean Hospital in Kingswood, at the base of the Blue Mountains. (Rhett Wyman)

None of these staff members, which include both medical and non-medical employees, have yet shown any flu-like symptoms.

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"The healthcare worker wore a mask while at work and did not work whilst unwell," Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District reported in a statement.

"At the first sign of symptoms, the healthcare worker immediately presented to a COVID-19 clinic for testing.

"NBMLHD has strict contact tracing and screening procedures in place for confirmed COVID-19 cases and their contacts."

All hospital staff are screened at the start of each shift at the hospital, in line with new NSW Health policies amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In an unrelated incident, fears of a new outbreak at a Wentworth Hills nursing home have so far proved unfounded, after a staff member tested positive to COVID-19 less than a week after working at the facility.

Another elderly resident at the Newmarch House nursing home has died, while dozens more are ill. (AAP)

Twenty staff who worked in the same wing at Catholic Healthcare Bodington in Wentworth Falls have been tested, with the results all coming back negative.

Further test results are expected today.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant told a press conference today that the staff member did not work while she had symptoms.

An outbreak believed to have begun by an infected healthcare worker at Anglicare's Newmarch House near Penrtih has devastated the facility.

An 83-year-old male resident yesterday became the aged care home's sixth death in just a week.

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2020-04-26 04:29:35Z

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