
Men with complete paraplegia walk, swim and pedal after implanted spinal cord electrodes - ABC News

Watching Michel Roccati standing and having a drink at a bar, or on his feet pummelling a speed bag in a gym, you'd never know he has a spinal cord injury so severe his legs are usually completely paralysed.

Yet, he does.

Mr Roccati is one of three men with paraplegia who can walk again, thanks to Swiss technology unveiled in the journal Nature Medicine today.

The newly treading trio received a spinal cord implant to precisely stimulate their muscles into taking steps, which they can control using a special walking frame.

The system is designed for individuals with the most serious spinal cord injury, said Grégoire Courtine, a neuroscientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and co-leader of the study.

He added that the technology could potentially be suitable for anyone with a spinal cord injury above the level of the lower rib cage, and even though the study participants were men, he saw no reason it wouldn't work in women too.

But, experts say, it still won't be a treatment option for everyone.

How does it all work?

Broadly, there were two components to the system that got Mr Roccati and his fellow study participants, aged 29 to 41 years, on their feet again.

The first was the implanted device.

A flexible paddle of electrodes, tailored to fit the length of their lower spine, was slipped between their spinal cord and backbones, or vertebrae.

The electrodes sat on clusters of nerves that branch out from the spine, left and right, to contract muscles in the torso and legs.

Usually, they would receive electrical messages from the brain to initiate movement. In the case of complete spinal cord injury, that communication is severed, and no signals get through.


To simulate messages from the brain, the electrodes provided pulses of electricity, generated by an attached implanted pacemaker, to stimulate the nerves on which they nestled.

But it was not enough to just send pulses into nerves — their timing needed to be right too. If they fired in the right pattern at the right time, a person's leg muscles contracted in a coordinated way and took a step.

Getting this down pat involved training, and that's where the second part of the technology came in.


Artificial intelligence software, which accompanied the implant, finessed the electrodes' signals to produce more natural movements over months of rehab.

To get around on his own, Mr Roccati used a special walker, which had handle-mounted remote control buttons, to trigger his leg movements.

Tap the right button, and his left leg took a step. Hit the left button, and his right foot followed.

But it's not for everyone

After 10 days' recovery after surgery, the men — all of whom had separate motorbike accidents at least a year before that left their legs completely paralysed — started training with the device and software.

They all stood with support and took a few shaky steps from day one, study co-leader and Lausanne University Hospital neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch said.

"But they could train very early to have a more fluid gait and ... were also able to walk outside the laboratory."

The software was modified to let the participants make swimming and cycling movements with their legs too.

This latest study comes from "the leading lab in the world" for surgical implant and spinal cord injury work, says Simon Gandevia, deputy director of Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), who was not involved in the study.

The same research team published studies in 2018 reporting a different type of spinal cord implant that allowed three other men to regain movement in their legs.

But, Professor Gandevia added, the newest device will not be for everyone.

First up, it's invasive. It involves spinal surgery, which comes with risks.

We know this because flexible spinal cord stimulators, similar to those used in the new study, have been implanted in spines for decades.

"It's been a treatment for pain, but at the end of the line. You don't rush to do this initially," Professor Gandevia said.

In a 2020 review article in the journal Spinal Cord, researchers from the US and Italy examined how more than 600,000 people fared after spinal cord stimulator surgery.

People who developed post-surgery complications were in the minority, but the consequences could be serious, such as infections or more spinal cord damage, the researchers wrote.

Then there's the matter of money.

The system used to get Mr Roccati and fellow participants on their feet and walking was the result of hefty funding and people power.

It also requires constant monitoring, and only really works when switched on.

A man in a puffer jacket and beanie standing with a walker at a trestle table at a bar
Mr Roccati can now walk to a bar and stand with friends to have a beer, but he needs the device to be on the whole time.(Supplied: EPFL/Alain Herzog)

Professor Gandevia heads up NeuRA's eWALK trial, which stimulates the spinal cord via electrodes stuck on the skin.

Unlike the Swiss study, eWALK trial participants have incomplete spinal cord injury, so can move their legs slightly — nowhere near enough to walk, but enough to show a tiny bit of signal sent out by the brain can reach the tail end of the spine where leg movement is controlled.

The idea is to get that small amount of signal, which may only activate 1 per cent of a muscle, to start activating a bigger chunk of muscle, perhaps 10 per cent, which could let the person walk, Professor Gandevia said.

"And you could give that [non-invasive spinal cord stimulation] to someone in Ghana, you could give that to someone in Harbin [in China], you could give it to someone in Northern Territory.

Next steps (literally and figuratively)

Professor Courtine is hopeful that large-scale clinical trials starting in the US and Europe over the next few years will validate the technology, and get it to more people who need it.

And some people will get more out of it than others, he said.

"Of course, every individual will respond differently. Motivation is a key factor."

Mr Roccati is still using his device.

After the surgery, he spent nine months in Lausanne to train with it, and has since returned to Italy to continue training at home.

He can already walk 500 metres at a time. He's not far off walking a kilometre.

"I am using it now every day for a couple of hours at work, in my home to do different kinds of things," he said.

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2022-02-07 19:30:00Z

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