
In a week of COVID-19 revelations, and more grim milestones, Berejiklian found a way to surprise - ABC News

In the era of Delta, where COVID-19 case numbers continue to hit new daily records and grim milestones are dime a dozen, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian this week found a way to do something truly unexpected.

For better or worse, on Friday she announced she will no longer be holding daily COVID-19 media conferences, leaving daily case number updates to health department officials. After today, you can clear the recurring 11:00am appointment from your calenders.

Likely predicting a flurry of questions about accountability and transparency, which did arrive not long after, the Premier prefaced the announcement with: "I don't know how this will be received."

Unlike her Victorian counterpart Daniel Andrews — who wore his marathon daily media appearances like a badge of honour during last year's lockdown — Berejiklian said she would not be "doing her job properly" if she continued to speak for upwards of an hour every morning.

"We have to accept that life with COVID means we need to accept living with COVID and all of us have to adjust," she said.

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Play Video. Duration: 2 minutes 24 seconds
NSW Premier to stop holding daily press conferences despite cases peaking

The move was a signal to NSW residents that they are now entering a new phase of the pandemic. Put simply, the government's priorities have changed; record daily COVID-19 case numbers alone are no longer an important enough reason to have the leader of the state fronting a media pack.

After the "COVID zero" mindset was drilled into us for the entirety of 2020, and much of this year, this is a departure. But as we've all heard a million times by now, Delta is simply a different beast — one where upwards of 1,500 cases a day should supposedly be considered the new normal.

Berejiklian said as much when outlining when she would hold media conferences going forward. "Apart from repeating the numbers that health repeats, we have to make sure that we have something important to say," she said.

In other words: stop looking at case numbers for signs of progress, that ship has sailed.

Fingers crossed for brighter days ahead

Incidentally, the announcement of the cancellation of daily media conferences came on the same day NSW, once again, broke their daily case number record, hitting 1,542 infectious and nine deaths in 24 hours. That record was broken the next day with 1,599 cases.

But NSW authorities have not let the ever-growing outbreak slow them down, this week giving millions of residents hope that life outside lockdown is well and truly on the horizon.

In a tweet sharing the details of the plan to lift stay-at-home orders on Thursday, NSW Health declared it the "ROADMAP TO FREEDOM" — and after 11 weeks in lockdown, Sydney residents are more than desperate for anything at all that feels like freedom.

Finally, there's an end in sight, even if you have to squint a bit and cross your fingers that it all works out.

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Summary of the roadmap out of lockdown for NSW

While NSW residents weren't given a specific date to mark on their calendars, they were given another milestone to count down to: as soon as the state hits 70 per cent of its over 16 population fully vaccinated, lockdown will lift the following Monday. This means everything from pubs, restaurants, and retail venues to at-home gatherings, of five people or less, will be back — for the fully vaccinated only.

Meanwhile, for residents of several regional local government areas — including regional centres such as Albury, Wagga Wagga, Tamworth, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Lismore, Griffith, and Byron Bay — freedom came early, as restrictions were lifted on Saturday. Other regional areas, including the Central Coast,  Hunter region, Shoalhaven, and Dubbo, will remain under lockdown.

But those still in lockdown will soon receive their previously announced treat. From Monday, outdoor gatherings of up to five fully vaccinated people are back on the cards for fully vaccinated people not in LGAs of concern. In the grand scheme of "normal life" it's a small concession, but one that many who have spent months alone will be desperate for.

And now the bad news

"It has been a difficult winter but it will be a bright summer," NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said this week. "In many ways, it's been the worst of times, but the best of times are on the way."

The only catch? To participate in the so-called "bright summer" you must be vaccinated. If the carrot of getting out of your homes wasn't enough, Berejiklian also dangled the possibility of further freedoms for the jabbed when the state hits 80 per cent vaccinated, including the freedom-of-all-freedoms — international travel.

If current projections hold true, NSW is set to reach the 70 per cent target in the week of October 11. That would mean Sydneysiders will have been in lockdown for almost four months — or a third of the year — longer than Victoria's mammoth 112-day lockdown in 2020.

Of course, all of this jubilation falls a bit flat when you zoom out a bit.

Yes, vaccination rates in the state are high, but so too are case numbers and the death toll, while the  health care system is spread thin trying to keep up.

Even NSW Health's own modelling predicts hospitalisation from COVID-19 won't peak until early to mid-October. Just this week, the state marked 200 deaths from the virus since the beginning of the pandemic, while another Sydney man in his 20s and a third Aboriginal man, from Dubbo, succumbed to the virus.

So it makes sense, then, that the roadmap included a big fat caveat: any easing of restrictions could be wound back in response to a "sudden surge" or outbreak of new infections.

Despite the growing outbreak, Prime Minister Scott Morrison welcomed NSW's plan with open arms. "This plan keeps the deal, keeps the faith with the people of Australia and the people of NSW, set out in the national plan," he said, "good on you, Gladys. I look forward to similar steps being taken by other premiers around the country."

But medical experts said it was concerning to see plans to open up the state just as hospital admissions are expected to peak. NSW Australian Medical Association president Dr Danielle McMullen told ABC News on Saturday that any relaxing of restrictions would push frontline health workers to capacity.

"We need more information from governments about how that reopening and relaxation of restrictions is expected to impact hospital and ICU admissions and how long our doctors, nurses and frontline health workers will have to keep working at that incredible pace they're expected to be working under," she said.

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Calls for Victoria to reveal roadmap out of lockdown

Victoria waiting for the right time

NSW's announcement has also increased pressure on the Victorian government to announce their own path out of restrictions, as the state's lockdown-hardened residents grit their teeth through another serious outbreak.

And the outlook wasn't great on Saturday, with 450 COVID-19 cases recorded in 24 hours — the highest daily tally of the current outbreak and a jump of more than 100 cases compared the previous day. Only 75 cases have so far been linked to known infections.

Victorian authorities say they won't green light their next steps out of lockdown for metropolitan Melbourne until 70 per cent of 16 and over residents have had at least one dose of the vaccine. At that point, they have promised a very modest easing of restrictions, including an increase to the 5-kilometre radius and a loosening of outdoor exercise time limits.

Based on current data, that milestone is likely to come later this month.

In the meantime, regional Victoria — with the exception of Shepparton — had their restrictions eased this week. This meant hospitality venues across the state could reopen, with strict capacity limits, kids could return to school, and residents were once again permitted to travel throughout the regions.

But within 24 hours, a number of exposure sites were recorded in regional Victoria, with the majority of positive cases recorded in the regions linked back to community spread in Melbourne.

As the "bright summer" approaches, Andrews' message for Victorians going into the weekend was clear: "If you want to get on the beers, we've all got to get on the vaccines".


Outbreaks elsewhere in the country

While all eyes were on NSW and Victoria, Queensland had its own brush with Delta — a serious reminder for COVID-free regions of Australia that border closures can't guarantee it will remain that way.

The state recorded five new cases on Saturday — all from two households — including a 13-year-old school girl who tested positive in Brisbane a day earlier after complaining of a headache. It is believed the outbreak will be linked to a man who visited one of the infected households from NSW, but authorities are yet to confirm the source.

Avoiding the "hard and fast" approach to lockdowns we've come to expect, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced she would not impose stay-at-home orders at this stage but would continue to monitor the situation closely. "Please mask up going indoors, register, and anyone who has any symptoms whatsoever, please go and get tested," she said.

South Australia also recorded one new local case of the virus in a mine worker who flew in on from Sydney on Friday. The man was immediately placed into quarantine, but other passengers on the flight and those who were in the airport terminal at the same time are being contacted by SA Health.

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ACT records 15 new cases as thousands of new vaccine bookings come online

Meanwhile, case numbers in the Australian Capital Territory are refusing to budge after another week of daily case numbers hovering around the 15 to 25 mark. All but one of the new 15 cases announced on Saturday have been linked to known infectious.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr said the territory was expecting an influx of new vaccine doses, meaning it was possible people who had booked their jab for October and November may be able to bring it forward through their GP or pharmacies.

Currently, 75 per cent of Canberra's over 16 population have received their first dose. "There are very good signs this will continue to climb with over 70,000 people booked for their first dose at ACT government clinics," he said. "This gives us great confidence that our vaccine program will well exceed the national targets."

Vaccines — who's getting them?

With Victoria staring down the barrel of an NSW-scale outbreak, and case numbers in the ACT refusing to budge, it's perhaps no surprise that attention this week turned to how prized Pfizer jabs were actually being distributed between the states and territories.

Analysis of publicly available data by 7.30 found in late June, when the current outbreak was emerging, NSW was on the receiving end of 32 per cent of the national Pfizer supply — a figure roughly in line with the state's proportion of the national population. But by August, NSW's allocation had jumped to 45 per cent.

By comparison, in August, Pfizer allocation for Victoria — which makes up 26 per cent of the national population — fell to 21.5 per cent, while in Western Australia — representing 10 per cent of Australia's population — 7.06 per cent of Pfizer doses were dolled out.

In response, a spokesperson for Operation COVID Shield, the national body heading up the rollout, said extra doses would become available to other states from September 13 in a bid to balance the discrepancy. Health Minister Greg Hunt also defended the decision to prioritise NSW as an attempt to "save lives" where the crisis was most acute.

"As we've had outbreaks, we've prioritised those areas to save lives," he said on Tuesday. "In particular, we started by prioritising Victoria when there was the Victorian outbreak."

But the promise of more vaccines was not enough to quiet the Premiers, with a war of words erupting between state and territory leaders.

"I signed up to a national plan to vaccinate our nation, not a national plan to vaccinate Sydney," Andrews said on Tuesday. "What I didn't know is that Premier Berejiklian's in a sprint, while the rest of us are supposed to do some sort of egg-and-spoon thing."

Another development that left people scratching their heads was the revelation that the federal government had turned down a meeting with Pfizer in mid-2020, just as other countries were well on their way to securing doses.

Documents, obtained under Freedom of Information legislation and released by Labor, show the pharmaceutical giant had sought to meet with Health Minister Greg Hunt "at the earliest opportunity" to discuss the supply of millions of vaccines by the end of the year.

But Labor claim the document show it wasn't until weeks later, on August 4, that the government first met with the company, before signing a deal for 10 million doses in November.

Hunt denied this, stating his office was in regular discussions with the company, including a meeting at the end of June.

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Daniel Andrews slams 'secret arrangements' to divert vaccines to Sydney

Morrison also firmly rejected claims his government was too slow to take up Pfizer's offers, stating the country would have been further behind on the rollout had they relied on Pfizer, which is the preferred vaccine for people under 60 and manufactured overseas.

"Our vaccination rates would be half what they were today were it not for our decision to put in place the sovereign manufacturing capability here in Australia for AstraZeneca," he said on Thursday. "I think there are a lot of heroes of hindsight at the moment out there."

The good news is Australia is set to receive an influx of fresh vaccine doses, with an additional 1.7 million Pfizer doses on the way from Singapore and the United Kingdom.

Moderna doses are also expected to arrive on Australian shores later this month, offering up a third vaccine option for those yet to receive their jab, including people under 18 years old.

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Play Video. Duration: 2 minutes 6 seconds
PM says vaccine rate would be behind if Australia relied on Pfizer

So where are we actually at with vaccinations?

A quick recap: 80 per cent of the over 16 Australian population double-dosed is where we need to be to return to some semblance of normal, according to the Doherty modelling. This week, the country passed 40 per cent of the population fully vaccinated — a feat Morrison described as the "halfway mark".

In the spirit of post-COVID imagining, it was announced this week that the federal government would begin to rollout international "vaccine passports" from next month — a mechanism that would facilitate a return to overseas travel.

But don't get too excited, there's still no date on when Australians will be able to travel freely again. The announcement simply means the government is working to make sure that when it is permitted, the process is a smooth as possible. The passport will also assist those travelling overseas with an exemption, who may not have to quarantine on arrival if they can prove they are jabbed.

On the domestic front, Morrison also flagged the possibility of a "home quarantine" system for returning overseas travellers; an announcement that if implemented would make it easier for the more than 30,000 Australians still stranded overseas to get home.

"It enables you to be able to come home and not have to go through hotel quarantine, which has its obvious restrictions," Morrison said in a video message, directed to Australian expats. "We're getting through it, we're almost there."

But as Morrison said, the borders aren't open yet and it's safe to say they won't be until the national vaccination rate hits at least 80 per cent — so, how are the states tracking?

As the week comes to an end, NSW is near the top of the pack with 44.5 per cent of the population fully vaccinated. At this rate, they will reach the 80 per cent threshold around the end of October. The hard-hit Western Sydney and the north-west regions of the state are leading the country when it comes to uptake, with residents receiving their first dose at twice the pace of the rest of the nation.

For example, over the past week, 10 per cent of south-west Sydney residents received their first dose, compared to 5.2 per cent nationwide.

In Victoria, vaccination rates also sped up, with Shepparton, which has experienced a serious Delta outbreak, and the state's north-west recording high take up, with 6.3 and 6.1 per cent of their populations, respectively, coming forward for the jab.

Across the state, about 40 per cent of the population have received both doses, with projections suggesting they'll hit the 80 per cent target in early December.

This is also the case for Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia, which are all hovering between 37 and 40 per cent double vaxxed.

On data alone, the ACT is in front with 49 per cent vaccinated, with Tasmania (47 per cent) and the Northern Territory (43 per cent), not far behind.

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Play Video. Duration: 41 seconds
Tracking Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout: September 10

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