
UK warning: COVID-19 complacency in winter will ‘bite you on the backside’ - The Age

An Australian doctor who oversaw vaccinations in an English cityduring the UK’s second wave of COVID-19 infections has warned Melbourne is at risk of another deadly outbreak unless more people are inoculated before winter.

As Australia’s southern states approach the peak season for respiratory illnesses, Victoria’s vaccination program is running far below capacity, hampered by a shortage of AstraZeneca doses and public mistrust in the locally made vaccine.

Salisbury’s medieval cathedral was used as a COVID-19 vaccination centre.

Salisbury’s medieval cathedral was used as a COVID-19 vaccination centre. Credit:AP

Dr Ian Gemmell, the West Australian-born medical director of a large vaccination centre in Salisbury, said the risk of serious complications from AstraZeneca was “infinitesimally small” and vaccination complacency would carry a high cost if the virus broke out in an unprotected community.

“If you have got the ability to vaccinate now, prior to the cold weather coming on, now is the time to be doing it,” said Dr Gemmell, whose district hospital was overrun by COVID-19 during the northern winter.

“If people delay getting their vaccination or choose not to have it because they don’t consider it an issue, it is going to come back and it is going to bite you on the backside.”

In winter 2020, at the height of Victoria’s second major coronavirus outbreak after the disease escaped into the community via hotel quarantine security staff, Victoria recorded a peak of 687 cases in one July day.

Case numbers in that outbreak climbed steadily from early July, causing millions of Victorians to endure months of restrictions including lockdowns and curfews, and only started to recede substantially in mid-August.

Benjamin Cowie, an infectious disease expert overseeing Victoria’s vaccine rollout, said the program was running ahead of other states, but was still below capacity.

Professor Cowie said part of the problem was a limited supply of AstraZeneca vaccine to the state, which now receives 26,000 doses a week from the Commonwealth. These doses are distributed to 28 vaccination sites which together have capacity to administer more than 100,000 doses a week.

Professor Benjamin Cowie is overseeing Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.

Professor Benjamin Cowie is overseeing Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.Credit: Supplied

A spokeswoman for CSL, the Melbourne-based manufacturer of AstraZeneca, said that as of Friday, 5.5 million doses of locally produced vaccine had been released for distribution.

This followed a four-week quality control process, including batch testing by the TGA.

Under the Commonwealth’s vaccination program, about 80 per cent of all AstraZeneca doses are supplied directly to GPs, rather than state governments.

Professor Cowie said although Victoria supported this approach it meant that, due to shortages of GPs in Melbourne’s north and west, fewer vaccine doses were available to people living in communities hit hardest by last year’s second wave.

“We totally agree that GPs need to have all the AstraZeneca they can use but we really want to see the production gearing up to the point where we can scale up AstraZeneca through the state system without depriving GPs of doses,” Professor Cowie said. “Everyone’s objective has to be to vaccinate as many people as we can as quickly as we can.”

The federal Department of Health declined to say how many weekly AstraZeneca doses were being provided to Victorian GPs and how many overall to the state. As of Sunday, more than 400,000 Victorians have been vaccinated by their GP and more than 300,000 at state-run clinics.

The pace of Victoria’s vaccination program should quicken from Monday, with Pfizer doses available to people under the age of 50 who work in high-risk professions such as disability carers, meat processors and taxi and Uber drivers.

However, hesitancy about AstraZeneca, a vaccine which carries a one in a 100,000 risk of causing potentially dangerous blood clots, remains a drag on the national vaccine rollout.

Mukesh Haikerwal, a GP who administers about 400 AstraZeneca doses a week at his Altona North clinic, said the son of elderly patients last week threatened to “blow up” his clinic if either parent sustained a blood clot after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“The false notion that Pfizer is good and AstraZeneca is bad and that you are somehow being ‘short changed’ by having AZ is very prevalent and wrong.” Dr Haikerwal said.

“The communication of the real tangible benefits of AZ has been woeful.”

Allen Cheng, the co-chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, said the group’s advice on AstraZeneca was a “difficult message” to promote. He said while Pfizer is the “preferred” vaccine for people under 50, AstraZeneca is also safe for this cohort.

He said the ATAGI’s risk assessment for the vaccine reflected the absence of COVID-19 community transmission in Australia. He pointed to the situation in Germany and the UK, where public health advice on AstraZeneca has shifted in response to changed circumstances in the pandemic.

In Germany, where health authorities are struggling to contain the latest wave of infections, an age limit of 60 on the use of AstraZeneca was scrapped a week ago. In the UK, where the winter surge is now under control, the age limit for AstraZeneca was last week increased from 30 to 40.

In Greater Manchester, where a local outbreak of infections of the Indian strain of the virus may prompt further lockdown measures, the mayor is pushing for over-16s to be vaccinated.

Professor Cheng said the ATAGI guidelines on AstraZeneca were also subject to review. “We have drawn this line at 50 because we don’t have COVID but we might in the rest of this year,” he said. “If we had a huge outbreak like Germany we would probably change that advice.”

Professor Allen Cheng says the advice on the AstraZeneca vaccine is a difficult public health message to convey.

Professor Allen Cheng says the advice on the AstraZeneca vaccine is a difficult public health message to convey.Credit:Scott McNaughton

Dr Gemmell said that at the height of the Salisbury outbreak, the district hospital was at risk of having to close due to a lack of healthy staff. He said the local rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which began in mid-January, reduced COVID-19 hospital admissions from nearly 200 to just two current cases.

He said although the blood clotting side effect was unpredictable – pregnant women, women on the contraceptive pill and people with a history of deep vein thrombosis and other clotting disorders appear to be at no greater risk than the general population – doctors now knew what to look for.

People who receive the AstraZeneca vaccine are told to seek medical advice if they experience persistent headaches between four days and 14 days after inoculation.

Dr Gemmell said he was so confident in the safety of the vaccine, he administered it to his 19-year-old son.

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