
Qld premier downplays vaccine death link - Grenfell Record and Bland Advertiser

The Queensland premier says she has full confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout amid a probe into the death of an elderly woman hours after receiving the Pfizer jab.

It is understood the 82-year-old, who had a medical condition, received the Pfizer vaccine at the Springwood Yurana Aged Care Facility on Wednesday, then died in the afternoon.

National Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said there are no signs of any causal link at this stage.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said any death is a tragedy but she has full confidence in the vaccine drive with 100,000 doses delivered in the state by Thursday.

"The benefits outweigh the negatives, and ... we didn't even have the option of a vaccine 12 months ago when we started going into this pandemic, so there is light at the end of the tunnel," she told reporters on Thursday.

She said she supports the Therapeutic Goods Administration's probe into the woman's death, but she refused to comment further.

"Any death is a tragedy ... They need to look very closely at were there any other conditions or was it vaccine related," Ms Palaszczuk added.

The premier expects a full briefing from the prime minister at a national cabinet on Friday and said the probe was important given European concerns about vaccines.

A small number of people in Europe and the UK presented with the blood clotting disorder but a causal link with the AstraZeneca vaccine is yet to be established.

Professor Kelly also played down any link between the death of the woman, who reportedly had a lung condition, and her vaccination.

"It can be expected that older and more frail people in an aged care setting may pass away due to progression of underlying disease or natural causes, this does not mean the vaccine has contributed to this," he said.

The death comes as authorities investigate whether a Victorian man's rare blood clotting disorder was caused by his AstraZeneca jab. The man received the vaccine on March 22.

Queensland recorded three new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, all already in hotel quarantine.

The state now has 68 active cases.

Meanwhile, Ms Palaszczuk said she is open to setting up a mass vaccination centre in Queensland, but supplies from the federal government are too unpredictable at the moment.

Her preference for now was for GPs and pharmacies to handle the rollout.

"If you're going to have a mass vaccination centre, you need to have a lot of vaccines," she said.

"So, once again, you can't have all this demand and not have the supply to meet it. And the last thing I want to see is thousands of people turning up to a centre, and not having the vaccine."

The premier said the federal government publishing daily statistics on vaccine supplies would help planning and logistics for the rollout in Queensland.

Australian Associated Press

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