
A short history of vaccination campaigns in Australia and what we might expect with COVID-19 - ABC News

Of the many things we take for granted about our modern lives — hot showers, supermarkets, video streaming services — perhaps none has had as much impact on our longevity as vaccines.

Back at the turn of the 20th century, the average life expectancy of an Australian baby boy was about 55. About one in 10 children died before their first birthday, many from diseases that are now controlled with vaccination.

Now, as a virus spreads around the globe that we have no existing immunity to, we've been forced to return to the same methods of reducing disease transmission — social distancing and masks — used more than 100 years ago.

And, just like in generations gone by, now we're hoping for a vaccine to help will bring us out of the pandemic we're living through.

So what did some of the previous vaccination campaigns look like in Australia? And what can we learn from them for how a COVID-19 vaccine might be rolled out here, if or when one proves safe and effective?

The first vaccines: Smallpox in Australia

Drawing of SS Brisbane
In the 1800s, incoming ships were subject to strict quarantine measures to keep smallpox and other diseases out of Australia.(Supplied: Australian Government)

The first vaccines as we know them today were for smallpox, a path famously forged by Edward Jenner in the 1790s.

In fact, the word vaccine comes from the Latin word for cow, vacca, because the earliest version of the inoculation was made with the cowpox, or vaccinia, virus.

Smallpox was probably responsible for the first pandemic in Australia, or at least the first after the British came. It ripped through Aboriginal populations, almost wiping out the Gadigal people in the Sydney area.

But by 1804, vaccination against smallpox began in Australia and the vaccine was produced here from 1847.

A plague vaccine also helped fight an outbreak in Sydney around the turn of the century, and typhoid vaccine was produced locally around the same time.

The vaccine you've (probably) never heard of: Spanish flu

John Davidson and Christina Norrie wearing face masks during the Spanish Flu pandemic, Killara, New South Wales, February 1919
Face masks were one of the strategies used to reduce transmission during the Spanish Flu pandemic.(National Library of Australia)

We think about the 1918 flu pandemic as being a pandemic without a vaccine. But, at the time, multiple groups around the world tried to make a vaccine, including some in Australia.

"These vaccines were basically made by collecting gunk out of the lungs of people who had confirmed cases of pneumonic influenza and making what we'd now call a broad-spectrum vaccine," says medical historian Peter Hobbins.

"Basically they were killing multiple germs and then injecting that material from those germs to people in the hope that it would stimulate the immune system to respond broadly to all of those potential pathogens and therefore lessen the impact of the virus."

People didn't know at the time that influenza was caused by a virus.

"So theoretically, that vaccine shouldn't work," Dr Hobbins says.

"But it may have helped reduce the number of secondary infections in people who had influenza and then picked up some sort of bacterial infection."

Millions of doses of this vaccine were made within just a couple of months, and the demand for it was huge — a quarter of the population of New South Wales at the time lined up to get it voluntarily.

(This was before the time of the huge — and hugely important — clinical trials we have today.)

One group working on this vaccine was Commonwealth Serum Laboratories – its descendant company CSL is now involved in a COVID-19 vaccine being developed here in Australia.

Vaccination wasn't always taken up readily and it wasn't always safe, either.

In 1928, 12 children in the south-east Queensland town of Bundaberg died after receiving contaminated diptheria vaccines.

"Among those who died, three came from one family, while two more families each lost two children," Dr Hobbins writes in a 2011 academic paper.

"A Bundaberg correspondent opined that 'immunisation is as popular as a death adder'.

"Within days the events in Bundaberg had compromised diphtheria control programmes around the globe, including the complete termination of immunisation in Cape Town (South Africa) and across New Zealand."

Lessons for COVID-19 from smallpox

The last global mass vaccination campaign was for smallpox, says epidemiologist Raina MacIntyre, speaking earlier this month as part of the Kirby Institute's Seminar Series.

The World Health Organization launched the eradication campaign in 1959, and the world was officially declared smallpox-free at the 33rd World Health Assembly on May 8, 1980.

However, we never used mass vaccination for the disease in Australia, Professor MacIntyre says.

This could be because in part smallpox was never widespread in Australia, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"We had vaccination programs when there were outbreaks but the whole population wasn't vaccinated as they were in the US and the UK," Professor MacIntyre says.

Given it's very likely that initially we'll have a limited supply of any coronavirus vaccine, we've got to think about how we're going to use it.

We could use a strategy developed to eradicate smallpox. In India, which was one of the last strongholds of the disease, the mass vaccination program was failing because they couldn't get everybody vaccinated.

"But then they switched to a ring vaccination strategy which is where you chase the outbreaks, vaccinate all the contacts and that actually is what led to the eradication of smallpox," Professor MacIntyre says.

This means it can be given to people after they have been exposed to coronavirus to stop an infection taking hold.

This is the case for some vaccines like those for Hepatitis A and measles, and to a lesser extent the smallpox vaccine, Professor MacIntyre says.

"We don't know yet whether the COVID vaccines will have that efficacy to be used as ring vaccination."

Brisbane schoolchildren waiting to be immunised against diphtheria, 1943
Brisbane schoolchildren waiting to be immunised against diphtheria in a photo taken in 1943.(State Library of Queensland)

We can trace school-based vaccination programs in Australia back to the early 1930s, when diphtheria vaccination campaigns began, followed by the first mass childhood vaccination campaigns against whooping cough in the early 1940s.

Mass vaccination programs again polio began in 1956 and were so "spectacularly successful … polio had been virtually eliminated from Australia" by 1966, write researchers in a 2001 Medical Journal of Australia article. A schoolgirl rubella vaccination program began in 1971.

Today the National Immunisation Program Schedule looks very different from those early years, including such vaccines as the Australian success story that protects again the human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer.

What could a COVID-19 vaccination campaign look like?

Baby getting his six months vaccination.
Our healthcare system is currently set up to vaccinate around 4.5 million Australians a year.(Getty Images: Lesley Magno)

Around 300,000 babies are born in Australia each year, these children are vaccinated at birth, two, four and six months of age. And about 3.8 million Australians are over the age of 65 and hence strongly encouraged to get the annual flu vaccine.

It's an impressive number of people protected against deadly diseases every year, but a small fraction of the population who would be hoping to be access a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it's available.

"Our system is set up to vaccinate maybe 4.5 million people a year," Professor MacIntyre says.

"[With COVID-19] we're looking at having to vaccinate 25 million people."

Most vaccinations are currently delivered by GPs or through school-based programs, such as the one for Gardasil.

"Generally for those programs that are outside of general practice the vaccinators are nurses who are accredited vaccinators," Professor MacIntyre says.

But there are very few nurse vaccinators in Australia, she says, so if we're looking at vaccinating the whole Australian population we'd need to upscale the capacity for nurse vaccinators and look at the infrastructure for how we're going to do that.

In terms of who gets a vaccine first, vaccinating first responders, including healthcare workers, is probably the highest priority, Professor MacIntyre says.

"The other options are age-based vaccination where you select an age group, whether it's older people because they have the highest risk of dying, or younger people because they've got the most risk of transmitting."

But as her work with smallpox shows, these targeted strategies don't make a lot of difference when you've only got limited doses of any vaccine because you're nowhere near reaching the herd immunity threshold.

A COVID-19 vaccination campaign also needs to be rolled out quickly, she says, because every week of delay will matter, and we can't afford a "slow trickle" program that takes two or three years to vaccinate everyone.

"If you've got community transmission the quicker you get the vaccination program done, the quicker you'll control it," Professor MacIntyre says.

"If you drop the ball with your case isolation and contact tracing, again you will have a much larger epidemic."

How long we have to wait for a COVID-19 vaccine is still crystal ball material. The Morrison Government said in a recent statement some Australians could be vaccinated with the Oxford vaccine which is currently still in clinical trials "as soon as January". But experts have called that timeframe surprising and optimistic.

"Most companies are thinking one to two years [for a phase 3 trial]," Westmead Institute founding director and vaccine expert Tony Cunningham told the ABC earlier this month.

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2020-09-21 21:42:00Z

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