
The Roundtable: Loneliness, the costly silent killer - The Roundtable - ABC News

Health advocates are calling on the new Albanese Government to appoint a Minister of Loneliness.

The title Minister of Loneliness almost sounds comedic but the UK and Japan each have a Government Minister to address what’s now being described as a global epidemic of social isolation and loneliness. 

The World Health Organisation has taken up the cause saying loneliness is a major contributor to ill health and it’s not just an issue for older people..

A study by researchers at Curtin University in WA puts the economic cost of poor health outcomes due to loneliness at nearly 3-billion dollars each year in Australia.


Alana Officer, Head World Health Organisation Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing Unit

Dr Michelle Lim, Clinical Psychologist, Chief Scientific Advisor, Ending Loneliness Together organisation

Phil McAuliffe, Creator, The Lonely Diplomat website

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