
Living in limbo: where next for COVID-19 restrictions in NSW? - Sydney Morning Herald

Liam Donohoe, the 23-year-old president of Sydney University's student representative council, has never seen students so angry and dispirited. Most classes are still online, faculties are dropping courses and cutting staff while fees stay the same, part-time work has evaporated and international students struggle to pay rent.

"I've been involved on campus for five years, and I've never seen anything like this," he says of the stormy mood among his peers, who are planning a day of action on Wednesday.

Students are not the only ones feeling the long, drawn-out COVID-blues.

Keeping it clean: a member of  the Broadway Shopping Centre's presentation and hygiene team cleans handrails at the centre.

Keeping it clean: a member of the Broadway Shopping Centre's presentation and hygiene team cleans handrails at the centre.Credit:Getty Images

Politicians' tempers are fraying (witness NSW health minister Brad Hazzard's spectacular swipe at Queensland Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk ). Calls to Lifeline this week were at record highs. Psychologist Elisabeth Shaw, NSW chief executive of Relationships Australia, says "over time people are losing their bearings in leading a purposeful life. A lot of things have been cancelled; it feels like marking time because we are not having the usual rituals that punctuate the year".


NSW has been spared Victoria's purgatory but there remains an uneasy sense, for many, of drifting in a kind of limbo. Are we on our way out of this or not? When will we get there – and what does "there" look like? Are we heading towards a Christmas like no other, with family and friends stranded overseas or interstate, and elderly relatives sheltering in their homes?

Hopes were high on Monday as Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Health Minister Greg Hunt announced the news that they'd signed the nation up to 84.8 million doses of a vaccine. Two days later, the leading candidate, the Oxford University-developed AstraZeneca vaccine, had its crucial phase 3 trials suspended because of an adverse reaction in a participant. The Financial Times reports trials may resume as early as next week but it was a reminder the magic bullet of a vaccine is still far from assured.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard has attacked the Queensland Premier over her stance on border restrictions.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard has attacked the Queensland Premier over her stance on border restrictions.Credit:Kate Geraghty

Even epidemiologists were starting to sound fractious this week, airing disagreements through the press over the harsh road map out of lockdown being pursued by Daniel Andrews' government in Victoria. Some see it as painful but necessary. Others query the feasibility of a goal which would require no cases at all for a full fortnight before all remaining restrictions ease in late November.

Yet harsh or not, at least Victorians have a road map. In NSW the government has avoided laying down clear numerical markers for when remaining restrictions on gatherings and business might be lifted.

"The government here is working towards something called ‘COVID-normal', which is life while COVID-19 is around, and I think we're getting pretty close to that," a senior government source said this week. "But arbitrary numbers, thresholds - you're very unlikely to see them in NSW."

A NSW health spokesperson told the Herald "every state has its own circumstances and must be able to move at its own pace. NSW will consider other changes when it is safe to do so".

However some experts believe there's an argument for having a clearer road map out of the remaining COVID-restrictions in this state, too.

Stephen Duckett, a former head of the federal health department and now Grattan Institute analyst, argued in the Herald this week that "NSW, like Victoria, should explicitly sign up to the ‘zero cases' goal and it should release a detailed plan on how to get there".

Professor Julie Leask, a leading social scientist in Sydney University's nursing school, also believes there is merit in having "transparent criteria" to give more predictability to COVID-related decision-making. "The government should communicate the triggers for either relaxing or intensifying restrictions," she says. "We need that. We should have it. And it's also good for managing expectations."

Shaw believes some sort of cold comfort lies in having black and white rules to follow. "In a curious way, in Melbourne, while they are railing against it there will probably be more people who will say well at least I know where I stand," she says.

She's no fan of the mixed messaging on mask wearing from the NSW government. "People are encouraged [to do it] and that's well-meaning, but it does not give clear guidance. It would be worth considering more of a mandate. If we want it done, let's just get it done."

In limbo: psychologist Elisabeth Shaw says people feel like they are marking time.

In limbo: psychologist Elisabeth Shaw says people feel like they are marking time.Credit:Peter Rae

The hospitality industry is growing increasingly restive about how long it will have to live with COVID-19 distancing rules and patron caps. Wes Lambert, chief executive of the Restaurant and Catering association, is unsure of the merits of a clearly delineated road map out of lockdown for this state.

"As we have learned in Victoria, be careful of what you wish for," he says. "But we are going to be continuing to lobby the [Berejiklian] government for functions and events to continue to ease, and for the numbers to move to at least a 300 cap for weddings and business events [the current cap is 150]. And we also want to be moving relatively quickly from the one person per 4 square metre rule to a 2 square metre scenario as case numbers settle into single digits."

The association also wants councils to allow more "activation" of outdoor areas as the weather warms up. "Many businesses say they could double the size of their venue by having outdoor laneways, and adjacent parks and unused parking lots activated", Lambert says.

In the regions, pressure has been building to allow country areas more COVID-leeway than in the cities. Before the koala crisis blew up, Nationals leader John Barilaro was already leading the charge against a one-size-fits-all approach. Regional communities were being "penalised" because of "small pockets of COVID in the city" he argued, calling for caps and restrictions in the country to be eased.

Thus far though the premier hasn't been for turning. "I'll always leave the door open, but at this point in time we are still on high alert in NSW," she said on Wednesday. "Once the school holidays and the summer months are here, people will be moving around in their literally hundreds of thousands across the state and that will increase the number of incidents of cases popping up in areas where currently there might not be any cases."

Marylouise McLaws, professor of epidemiology and infection control at UNSW and a member of a WHO expert committee on COVID-19 response, says Berejiklian is right to characterise the state as being on "high alert".

But far from loosening restrictions, McLaws believes NSW should be tamping down further, even on the current low figures. Prior to the second wave, she estimated that the "safe" or "green" zone for community transmission is a rolling figure of five cases or less a day over a 14-day period, or a cumulative total of less than 100 cases over a fortnight.

Far from loosening restrictions, Professor Marylouise McLaws believes NSW should be tamping down further.

Far from loosening restrictions, Professor Marylouise McLaws believes NSW should be tamping down further.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

In Victoria, she says, the count went from an accumulated 102 cases over 14 days on June 18, to an average of 575 a fortnight later, and a fortnight after that to nearly 2900 before peaking at a 14-day average of 6543. In this state, she says, the 14-day average reached 112 on Thursday and hovered over the ''alert'' 100 mark for the preceding six days.

On this basis she would prefer to see NSW mandating the wearing of masks in public for two weeks, restricting gyms to outdoors only, and reducing numbers inside venues.

"This exponential ability, [aided by] human behaviour to enhance its transmission, makes this period very dangerous," she warns.

"If you ignore it, it's like a wilful child ... it will just get out of control. My advice and experience is don't wait - don't wait until it gets so bad that you have to implement stringent public health measures. Outbreak management is best done pre-emptively."

McLaws says it would be better to have the ring-fenced "hot spot" model she's been advocating, akin to what the commonwealth put before the national cabinet recently, rather than parts of the country shutting down or opening up on a state-wide basis.

"Nationally we need to do something where all states and territories agree … and then they do it according to region," she says. "I'm disappointed that I'm hearing so much politicising control measures."

She's conscious that many see far worse depredations being wrought by the virus in Europe, the US, Indonesia and elsewhere in the third world and therefore think governments here are too cautious. That attidude, she argues, overlooks the ominous shadow of "long COVID-19" – the syndrome where some suffer illness long after the initial infection has supposedly cleared.

She says, "my question to people who think, ‘we're better off than other countries so why are we being precious about the numbers' is this: would you like your 20 to 29 year-old to go into middle age with chronic disease and we don't know how long they will have chronic disease for? That can include breathing difficulties, exhaustion, fatigue and heart problems. Do we want to saddle them with all of these unknown potential problems?"

Julie Leask says "a vaccine is our hope but … we have to be cautious, not least because of the length of time it might take to roll it out to all target populations. We are really going to have to figure out how we live with this for quite a while".

She would like to see government decision-making informed by two-way, not just top-down communication through mechanisms such as community reference groups. "If you have a good sense of how restrictions are affecting key groups … who are more at risk from the social and economic implications of those restrictions, they are the ones you want to prioritise talking with," Leask argues.

One vital set of figures authorities will be nervously awaiting are the results of serological studies, due to be unveiled before the end of the month.

The studies, which seek out signs of the virus in pathology specimens collected from blood donors, pregnant women and patients presenting for other conditions, will track the pathogen's cumulative impact on the Australian population. Some 5000 samples were collected in Sydney during May and June, and another 10,000 from around the country in July and August.

COVID-19 testing at a drive-through clinic in Bondi.

COVID-19 testing at a drive-through clinic in Bondi.Credit:Jessica Hromas

Co-leader of the study, Professor John Kaldor of UNSW's Kirby Institute, says the results will provide an important baseline. "We know that when we come to look at those populations again in three months, that any change in terms of the cumulative impact of COVID-19 should be broadly reflective of [what's occurring]… in the general population."

The authorities will be fervently hoping for figures that calm nerves, rather than ringing alarm bells.

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